
Avoiding The Breaking Point

From time to time we come across great articles on roofing that we feel are important to share with our readers. Recently, Kent Mattison, P.E., a senior consultant, president and partner with Benchmark Inc., a roof and pavement consulting firm in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, wrote a four part article for Facilities Net titled Roofing: Avoiding The Breaking Point. This builds on previous blog posts that we have shared regarding roof replacement. It explains not only the economic impact of roof leaks, but the safety hazards and impact it has on building occupants. It also touches on the importance of conducting an inventory and analysis of the roofs current condition and how it can help you plan and budget for future roof replacement. A product focus of different roofing systems is also included.

If you ever come across good roofing articles please let us know in the comments so we can share the information on our blog.