By: Mitch Guettler, Director or Quality Assurance and Warranty Services
Want to refresh your skills, better understand the inspection process, or get newer employees trained to install Duro-Last efficiently and effectively? You supply the space, and we’ll bring Duro-Last directly to you!
Whether your team is just getting started or experienced in Duro-Last installations, our In-Shop Training Classes are designed to give you the personalized instruction you need to make your roofing projects more efficient, all at a time and place that is convenient for you.
Upon scheduling, Duro-Last will supply you with detailed specifications to build a training deck and our team will supply the instructor and materials. All you have to do is supply the space, tools, and no less than three eager learners (that are prepared to practice safe social distancing)!
Contact the Duro-Last Quality Assurance team at 800-248-0280 to learn more about our In-Shop Training Classes and schedule yours today.